The Crow and the Hidden Treasure

Today, we will explore a completing story titled The Crow and the Hidden Treasure. First, we’ll present the incomplete story as a question for you to ponder. Then, we’ll provide the complete story as the answer. Below, you’ll find the story titled, The Crow and the Hidden Treasure, accompanied by key vocabulary with Bangla meanings and a Bangla translation. We hope this resource will support your HSC 2025 preparation. Let’s dive in!

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The Crow and the Hidden Treasure

Completing Story-The Crow and the Hidden Treasure

Question: One day, a crow stole a piece of meat. She flew away and sat on the branch of a tree. At that moment, a fox … [BB – 2019; JB – 2017]

The Crow and the Hidden Treasure

Answer: One day, a crow stole a piece of meat. She flew away and sat on the branch of a tree. At that moment, a fox, known for his cunning, appeared. The fox, whose name was Rilo, gazed up at the crow with calculating eyes. “Oh, illustrious bird,” he called, “your feathers glisten like midnight silk. Surely, your voice must rival the songs of angels. Would you honor me with a melody?”

The crow, named Kira, had heard of foxes and their tricks before. She held the meat tightly in her beak, determined not to be deceived. But something about Rilo’s tone intrigued her. He seemed oddly fixated not on the meat but on the branch itself. What Kira didn’t know was that this particular tree was rumored to hide a treasure—a golden locket buried long ago by a wandering traveler. Rilo had been searching for it for months. The meat was merely a distraction.

Kira, noticing Rilo’s persistent glances at the bark below her, became curious. She hopped down to investigate, dropping the meat in the process. Rilo snatched it instantly, but instead of fleeing, he chuckled. “You may keep your treasure,” he said, disappearing into the woods. Kira pecked at the bark and uncovered the locket. Though she lost the meat, she had gained something far more valuable.

Vocabulary with Bangla Meaning

  1. stole (verb) [Bangla: চুরি করেছিল, English: took something without permission]:
    The crow stole a piece of meat.
  2. branch (noun) [Bangla: ডাল, English: a part of a tree extending from the trunk]:
    The crow sat on a branch of the tree.
  3. cunning (adjective) [Bangla: চতুর, English: clever at achieving one’s aims by deceit]:
    The fox was known for his cunning nature.
  4. appeared (verb) [Bangla: উপস্থিত হলো, English: became visible]:
    The fox appeared suddenly below the tree.
  5. gazed (verb) [Bangla: তাকিয়ে রইল, English: looked steadily]:
    The fox gazed up at the crow.
  6. calculating (adjective) [Bangla: হিসেবি, English: carefully planning for advantage]:
    His calculating eyes watched the crow.
  7. illustrious (adjective) [Bangla: বিখ্যাত বা উজ্জ্বল, English: highly distinguished or renowned]:
    He called the crow an illustrious bird.
  8. feathers (noun) [Bangla: পালক, English: the soft covering on birds]:
    The crow’s feathers shone in the sunlight.
  9. glisten (verb) [Bangla: ঝলমল করা, English: to shine or reflect light]:
    Her feathers seemed to glisten like silk.
  10. rival (verb/noun) [Bangla: প্রতিদ্বন্দ্বিতা করা/প্রতিদ্বন্দ্বী, English: to compete/competitor]:
    No other bird could rival her beauty.
  11. angels (noun) [Bangla: দেবদূত, English: heavenly beings]:
    He compared her voice to that of angels.
  12. melody (noun) [Bangla: সুর, English: a sequence of musical notes]:
    Would you sing a melody for me?
  13. tricks (noun) [Bangla: চালাকি, English: clever or deceitful actions]:
    She was wary of the fox’s tricks.
  14. beak (noun) [Bangla: ঠোঁট, English: the hard, pointed mouth of a bird]:
    The crow held the meat tightly in her beak.
  15. determined (adjective) [Bangla: দৃঢ়প্রতিজ্ঞ, English: resolute or firm in decision]:
    She was determined not to lose her meat.
  16. deceived (verb) [Bangla: প্রতারিত করা, English: tricked or misled]:
    The crow refused to be deceived by the fox.
  17. intrigued (adjective) [Bangla: কৌতূহলী, English: curious or fascinated]:
    She was intrigued by his tone.
  18. oddly (adverb) [Bangla: অদ্ভুতভাবে, English: in a strange way]:
    Oddly, he kept looking at the branch.
  19. rumored (verb/adjective) [Bangla: গুজব রটানো/রটিত, English: reported without confirmation]:
    The tree was rumored to hide a treasure.
  20. treasure (noun) [Bangla: গুপ্তধন, English: valuable or precious items]:
    She found a hidden treasure in the tree.
  21. buried (verb) [Bangla: পোঁতা, English: hidden underground]:
    The treasure was buried by a traveler.
  22. wandering (adjective) [Bangla: ঘুরে বেড়ানো, English: moving without a fixed purpose]:
    The locket was buried by a wandering man.
  23. distraction (noun) [Bangla: বিভ্রান্তি, English: something that diverts attention]:
    The meat was just a distraction.
  24. persistent (adjective) [Bangla: স্থির, English: continuing firmly despite difficulty]:
    The fox’s persistent glances gave him away.
  25. glances (noun) [Bangla: দৃষ্টিপাত, English: quick looks]:
    She noticed his frequent glances at the branch.
  26. bark (noun) [Bangla: গাছের ছাল, English: the outer layer of a tree]:
    The treasure was hidden beneath the bark.
  27. curious (adjective) [Bangla: কৌতূহলী, English: eager to learn or know]:
    The crow became curious about the tree.
  28. hopped (verb) [Bangla: লাফ দিল, English: jumped lightly]:
    She hopped down to the lower branch.
  29. investigate (verb) [Bangla: অনুসন্ধান করা, English: to examine closely]:
    She decided to investigate what was hidden.
  30. snatched (verb) [Bangla: ছিনিয়ে নেওয়া, English: grabbed quickly]:
    The fox snatched the meat from the ground.
  31. fleeing (verb) [Bangla: পালিয়ে যাওয়া, English: running away]:
    He left without fleeing immediately.
  32. chuckled (verb) [Bangla: মুচকি হাসা, English: laughed quietly]:
    The fox chuckled before disappearing.
  33. disappearing (verb) [Bangla: অদৃশ্য হওয়া, English: vanishing from sight]:
    He kept chuckling while disappearing into the woods.
  34. pecked (verb) [Bangla: ঠোকর মারা, English: struck with the beak]:
    The crow pecked at the bark to uncover the treasure.
  35. gained (verb) [Bangla: অর্জন করা, English: obtained or acquired]:
    She gained something more valuable than meat.
  36. valuable (adjective) [Bangla: মূল্যবান, English: of great worth]:
    The golden locket was extremely valuable.

The Crow and the Hidden Treasure: Bangla Meaning

কাক এবং গোপন ধন

একদিন, একটি কাক এক টুকরো মাংস চুরি করল। সে উড়ে গিয়ে একটি গাছের ডালে বসল। ঠিক তখনই একটি শিয়াল, যাকে তার চাতুর্যের জন্য সবাই চিনত, উপস্থিত হলো। শিয়ালটির নাম ছিল রিলো। সে কাকটির দিকে হিসেবি চোখে তাকিয়ে রইল। “ওহ, মহান পাখি,” সে বলল, “তোমার পালকগুলো মধ্যরাত্রির রেশমের মতো ঝলমল করছে। নিশ্চিতভাবেই, তোমার কণ্ঠস্বর স্বর্গীয় সংগীতের সাথে তুলনীয়। তুমি কি আমাকে একটি গান শোনাবে?”

কাকটির নাম ছিল কিরা। সে আগেই শিয়াল এবং তাদের চালাকি সম্পর্কে শুনেছিল। সে মাংসটি শক্ত করে ঠোঁটে ধরে রাখল, প্রতারিত না হওয়ার দৃঢ় সংকল্প নিয়ে। কিন্তু রিলোর স্বরের কিছু একটা কিরার মনে কৌতূহল জাগালো। সে লক্ষ করল, রিলো মাংসের দিকে না তাকিয়ে গাছের ডালের দিকে বেশি মনোযোগ দিচ্ছে। কিরা জানত না যে এই বিশেষ গাছটি একটি গুপ্তধনের গল্পের সাথে জড়িত। এক ঘুরন্ত পথিক বহু বছর আগে এখানে একটি সোনার লকেট পুঁতে রেখে গিয়েছিল। রিলো সেই লকেটের খোঁজ করছিল মাসের পর মাস ধরে। মাংসটি কেবল একটি বিভ্রান্তি তৈরির উপায় ছিল।

রিলো বারবার ডালের দিকে তাকানোয় কিরার মনে সন্দেহ হয়। সে ডালে নেমে অনুসন্ধান করতে শুরু করল, আর তাতেই তার ঠোঁট থেকে মাংস পড়ে গেল। রিলো সঙ্গে সঙ্গে মাংসটি কেড়ে নিল। কিন্তু পালানোর বদলে সে হাসতে হাসতে বলল, “তোমার ধন তুমি রাখো,” বলে সে জঙ্গলের দিকে চলে গেল। কিরা ডালে ঠোঁট দিয়ে খোঁজাখুঁজি করল এবং সত্যিই লকেটটি খুঁজে পেল। যদিও সে মাংসটি হারিয়েছিল, কিন্তু অনেক বেশি মূল্যবান কিছু অর্জন করেছিল।

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That’s all for today’s article. We hope you found our discussion on a completing story titled, The Crow and the Hidden Treasure, insightful. If you enjoyed the article, please stay with and share it with your friends. We’ll be back soon with another literary work. Stay tuned to, and don’t forget to connect with us on Facebook and Instagram. Thank you for reading!

S.M. Rokibul Kabir
S.M. Rokibul Kabir

S.M. Rokibul Kabir is the author of BD JOBZ PREPARATION. He is from Rajshahi, Bangladesh. He has completed Honors and Masters degrees from Rajshahi University in English. Now he is doing LLB from National University. He has been teaching English online for more than three years. His hobby is blogging.

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