The Cowboy Who Cried Tiger

Today, we will explore a completing story titled The Cowboy Who Cried Tiger. First, we’ll present the incomplete story as a question for you to ponder. Then, we’ll provide the complete story as the answer. Below, you’ll find the story titled, The Cowboy Who Cried Tiger, accompanied by key vocabulary with Bangla meanings and a Bangla translation. We hope this resource will support your HSC 2025 preparation. Let’s dive in!

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The Cowboy Who Cried Tiger

Completing Story-The Cowboy Who Cried Tiger

Question: There was a naughty cowboy who grazed his cows beside a forest. He used to make fun of people crying, Tiger! Tiger! .. [CtgB – 2024; DB – 2022; CtgB – 2017]

The Cowboy Who Cried Tiger

Answer: There was a naughty cowboy who grazed his cows beside a forest. He used to make fun of people crying, “Tiger! Tiger!” One sunny afternoon, as he lounged under an old oak tree, the boy decided to entertain himself. He cupped his hands around his mouth and yelled, “Tiger! Tiger! Help!” Villagers came running with sticks and weapons, their faces etched with worry. When they found him rolling on the grass laughing, they scolded him, but he only chuckled, “It’s just a joke!”

Days passed, and the boy repeated his trick, fooling the villagers again and again. His laughter echoed through the forest, but their anger grew. “One day, your games will cost you,” an old woman warned, shaking her cane. He smirked, dismissing her words. Then, one fateful dusk, as the sun dipped low, a shadow moved between the trees. The boy froze as a real tiger padded silently out of the forest. Its golden eyes locked onto his herd, and its tail swished menacingly.

Terrified, the boy screamed, “Tiger! Tiger! Help!” But this time, no one came. The tiger growled, its sharp teeth glinting. The boy scrambled up the tree, watching helplessly as the predator snatched a cow and disappeared into the woods. From that day on, the boy never cried “Tiger” again, for he had learned the price of trust broken.

Vocabulary with Bangla Meaning

  • Naughty (adjective) (Bangla: দুষ্টু; English: mischievous):
    • The naughty child hid his sister’s toys under the bed.
  • Cowboy (noun) (Bangla: গরু চরানো রাখাল; English: a cattle herder):
    • The cowboy rode his horse across the plains.
  • Grazed (verb) (Bangla: চারণ করা; English: to feed on grass):
    • The sheep grazed peacefully in the meadow.
  • Forest (noun) (Bangla: বন; English: a large area covered with trees):
    • The forest was dense and full of wildlife.
  • Crying (verb) (Bangla: চিৎকার করা; English: shouting or weeping):
    • She was crying loudly after losing her favorite toy.
  • Lounged (verb) (Bangla: আরাম করে শোয়া; English: to relax in a lazy manner):
    • He lounged on the sofa, enjoying his weekend.
  • Cupped (verb) (Bangla: তালু দিয়ে ঢেকে ধরা; English: to form a hollow with hands):
    • She cupped her hands to drink water from the stream.
  • Yelled (verb) (Bangla: চিৎকার করা; English: to shout loudly):
    • The teacher yelled at the students to be quiet.
  • Sticks (noun) (Bangla: লাঠি; English: pieces of wood):
    • The campers used sticks to build a fire.
  • Etched (verb) (Bangla: খোদাই করা; English: engraved or marked deeply):
    • The memory of that day is etched in my mind.
  • Worry (noun) (Bangla: চিন্তা; English: anxiety or concern):
    • Her face was filled with worry about her exams.
  • Rolling (verb) (Bangla: গড়াগড়ি খাওয়া; English: moving by turning over and over):
    • The ball kept rolling down the hill.
  • Laughing (verb) (Bangla: হাসা; English: expressing joy vocally):
    • Everyone was laughing at his hilarious jokes.
  • Scolded (verb) (Bangla: বকা দেওয়া; English: to reprimand angrily):
    • The mother scolded her son for breaking the vase.
  • Chuckled (verb) (Bangla: মৃদু হাসি; English: to laugh quietly):
    • He chuckled at the funny story.
  • Joke (noun) (Bangla: রসিকতা; English: something said or done to cause laughter):
    • His joke about the talking dog made everyone laugh.
  • Repeated (verb) (Bangla: পুনরাবৃত্তি করা; English: to do or say again):
    • She repeated the instructions to ensure clarity.
  • Trick (noun) (Bangla: কৌশল বা ঠকানো; English: a clever act or deception):
    • The magician performed an amazing card trick.
  • Fooling (verb) (Bangla: বোকা বানানো; English: to deceive or trick):
    • He was fooling his friends with his fake stories.
  • Echoed (verb) (Bangla: প্রতিধ্বনিত হওয়া; English: to resound or repeat a sound):
    • Her laughter echoed through the empty hall.
  • Anger (noun) (Bangla: রাগ; English: a strong feeling of displeasure):
    • His anger was evident in his loud voice.
  • Warned (verb) (Bangla: সতর্ক করা; English: to give caution):
    • She warned him about the slippery floor.
  • Shaking (verb) (Bangla: কাঁপানো; English: trembling or moving back and forth):
    • His hands were shaking from the cold.
  • Cane (noun) (Bangla: লাঠি বা বেত; English: a stick used for walking or support):
    • The old man walked with a cane.
  • Smirked (verb) (Bangla: ব্যঙ্গ করে হাসা; English: to smile in a mocking way):
    • He smirked when his plan succeeded.
  • Dismissing (verb) (Bangla: বাতিল করা; English: to reject or send away):
    • The teacher kept dismissing their silly excuses.
  • Fateful (adjective) (Bangla: ভাগ্য নির্ধারণকারী; English: significant or decisive):
    • That was a fateful day that changed everything.
  • Dusk (noun) (Bangla: সন্ধ্যা; English: the time of evening when it starts to get dark):
    • They returned home as dusk settled over the town.
  • Dipped (verb) (Bangla: নিমজ্জিত করা; English: to lower into a liquid or a lower position):
    • The bird dipped its beak into the water.
  • Shadow (noun) (Bangla: ছায়া; English: a dark shape cast by an object blocking light):
    • His shadow stretched long in the afternoon sun.
  • Froze (verb) (Bangla: জমে যাওয়া; English: to become still or immobilized):
    • She froze in fear when she saw the snake.
  • Padded (verb) (Bangla: ধীর গতিতে হাঁটা; English: to walk softly):
    • The cat padded silently across the room.
  • Herd (noun) (Bangla: পশুর পাল; English: a group of animals):
    • The shepherd guided his herd to the meadow.
  • Swished (verb) (Bangla: শোঁ শোঁ শব্দ করা; English: to move with a soft rushing sound):
    • The horse’s tail swished to chase away flies.
  • Menacingly (adverb) (Bangla: ভয় দেখিয়ে; English: in a threatening manner):
    • The dog growled menacingly at the stranger.
  • Terrified (adjective) (Bangla: ভীত; English: very scared):
    • She was terrified of the haunted house.
  • Screamed (verb) (Bangla: চিৎকার করা; English: to cry out loudly):
    • The child screamed for help.
  • Growled (verb) (Bangla: গর্জন করা; English: a low, threatening sound made by an animal):
    • The dog growled at the approaching stranger.
  • Glinting (verb) (Bangla: ঝলমল করা; English: shining briefly):
    • The knife was glinting under the sunlight.
  • Scrambled (verb) (Bangla: উঠে পড়া; English: to climb or move quickly):
    • He scrambled up the hill to see the view.
  • Predator (noun) (Bangla: শিকারি প্রাণী; English: an animal that hunts others):
    • The lion is a fierce predator of the jungle.
  • Snatched (verb) (Bangla: ছিনিয়ে নেওয়া; English: to grab quickly):
    • The thief snatched her purse and ran away.
  • Disappeared (verb) (Bangla: অদৃশ্য হয়ে যাওয়া; English: to vanish from sight):
    • The magician disappeared in a puff of smoke.
  • Woods (noun) (Bangla: জঙ্গল; English: a forested area):
    • He went camping deep in the woods.

The Cowboy Who Cried Tiger: Bangla Meaning

কাউবয়ের গল্প: বাঘ! বাঘ!

এক দুষ্টু কাউবয় ছিল, যে তার গরুগুলো জঙ্গলের পাশে চড়াতো। সে মানুষের “বাঘ! বাঘ!” বলে চিৎকার করার ব্যাপারটা নিয়ে মজা করত। একদিন রোদেলা দুপুরে, এক পুরোনো ওক গাছের নিচে আরাম করে বসে ছেলেটি নিজেকে আনন্দ দেওয়ার একটা উপায় খুঁজে বের করল। সে তার হাতদুটো মুখের চারপাশে কাপের মতো করল এবং চিৎকার করল, “বাঘ! বাঘ! বাঁচাও!” গ্রামবাসীরা লাঠি আর অস্ত্র নিয়ে ছুটে এল, তাদের মুখ চিন্তায় ভরা। কিন্তু যখন তারা দেখল ছেলেটি ঘাসের ওপর গড়াগড়ি খেয়ে হাসছে, তারা তাকে বকাঝকা করল। কিন্তু ছেলেটি শুধু মুচকি হেসে বলল, “এটা তো মজার কথা!”

কয়েকদিন কেটে গেল, আর ছেলেটি তার একই কৌশল বারবার ব্যবহার করল, বারবার গ্রামবাসীদের বোকা বানালো। তার হাসি জঙ্গলের ভেতরে প্রতিধ্বনিত হল, কিন্তু গ্রামবাসীদের রাগ বাড়তে লাগল। এক বৃদ্ধা লাঠি নাড়তে নাড়তে সতর্ক করে বললেন, “একদিন তোমার এই খেলাধুলা তোমার বড় ক্ষতি করবে।” ছেলেটি ঠোঁটে ব্যঙ্গাত্মক হাসি হেসে তার কথাকে অবজ্ঞা করল। তারপর একদিন সন্ধ্যার সময়, সূর্য যখন পশ্চিমে ডুবছিল, গাছপালার ফাঁকে একটা ছায়া নড়ল। ছেলেটি জমে গেল, কারণ সত্যিকারের একটা বাঘ নিঃশব্দে জঙ্গল থেকে বেরিয়ে এল। বাঘের সোনালি চোখগুলো তার গরুর পালকে লক্ষ্য করছিল, আর তার লেজ হুমকির ভঙ্গিতে দোল খাচ্ছিল।

ভয়ে জমে গিয়ে ছেলেটি চিৎকার করে উঠল, “বাঘ! বাঘ! বাঁচাও!” কিন্তু এবার কেউ এল না। বাঘটি গর্জে উঠল, তার তীক্ষ্ণ দাঁতগুলো ঝিকমিক করছিল। ছেলেটি একটা গাছে উঠে পড়ল, অসহায়ভাবে দেখল কীভাবে বাঘটি একটি গরু ধরে নিয়ে জঙ্গলে মিলিয়ে গেল। সেদিন থেকে ছেলেটি আর কখনও “বাঘ!” বলে মিথ্যা চিৎকার করেনি। কারণ, সে বিশ্বাস ভাঙার মূল্য বুঝতে শিখেছিল।

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That’s all for today’s article. We hope you found our discussion on a completing story titled, The Cowboy Who Cried Tiger, insightful. If you enjoyed the article, please stay with and share it with your friends. We’ll be back soon with another literary work. Stay tuned to, and don’t forget to connect with us on Facebook and Instagram. Thank you for reading!

S.M. Rokibul Kabir
S.M. Rokibul Kabir

S.M. Rokibul Kabir is the author of BD JOBZ PREPARATION. He is from Rajshahi, Bangladesh. He has completed Honors and Masters degrees from Rajshahi University in English. Now he is doing LLB from National University. He has been teaching English online for more than three years. His hobby is blogging.

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