Honesty Overcomes Temptation

Today, we will explore a completing story titled Honesty Overcomes Temptation. First, we’ll present the incomplete story as a question for you to ponder. Then, we’ll provide the complete story as the answer. Below, you’ll find the story titled, Honesty Overcomes Temptation, accompanied by key vocabulary with Bangla meanings and a Bangla translation. We hope this resource will support your HSC 2025 preparation. Let’s dive in!

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Honesty Overcomes Temptation

Competing Story-Honesty Overcomes Temptation

Question: One day, a boy in class five was going to school. Suddenly, he saw a money bag on the road. He was at a loss … [BB – 2022; CB – 2019]

“Honesty Overcomes Temptation”

Answer: One day, a boy in class five was going to school. Suddenly, he saw a money bag on the road. He was at a loss about what to do. Curiosity got the better of him, and he picked it up. Inside, he found bundles of crisp notes, coins, and a small card with a name and number. The boy’s heart raced. “This could change everything,” he thought, recalling his mother’s struggles to buy groceries. But then he remembered something his teacher once said: “Integrity is what you do when no one is watching.”

He decided to act on it. Ignoring the temptation, he rushed to the address on the card. It was a grand house. Nervously, he rang the bell. A frail, elderly man opened the door. The boy stammered, “I… I found your money bag.” The man’s eyes welled up. “You saved me, son. That was my pension for the month.” He offered the boy a reward, but the boy politely declined, saying, “My reward is doing the right thing.”

The boy walked to school feeling lighter than ever. News of his act spread, and he became a hero in the village. That day, he learned a priceless lesson: Honesty doesn’t just pay—it enriches the soul. And so, he carried that light within him, guiding his every step forward.

Vocabulary with Bangla Meaning

  • Suddenly (Adverb | হঠাৎ করে | Happening quickly and unexpectedly):
    • Suddenly, the lights went out, leaving us in complete darkness.
  • Curiosity (Noun | কৌতূহল | A strong desire to know or learn something):
    • Her curiosity about space led her to become an astronaut.
  • Crisp (Adjective | খাস্তা/ঝকঝকে | Firm, dry, and fresh; clear or sharp):
    • The air was crisp and cool on the winter morning.
  • Raced (Verb | ছুটে যাওয়া | Moved quickly or hurriedly):
    • His heart raced as he opened the exam results.
  • Recalling (Verb | মনে পড়া | Remembering something from the past):
    • Recalling her childhood, she smiled at the happy memories.
  • Struggles (Noun | সংগ্রাম | Efforts made to overcome challenges):
    • His struggles in life taught him the value of perseverance.
  • Groceries (Noun | মুদি সামগ্রী | Food and household items bought regularly):
    • She went to the market to buy fresh groceries for dinner.
  • Integrity (Noun | সততা | The quality of being honest and having strong moral principles):
    • His integrity was admired by everyone in the office.
  • Ignoring (Verb | উপেক্ষা করা | Paying no attention to something):
    • He kept ignoring the noise and focused on his work.
  • Temptation (Noun | লোভ | The desire to do something, especially something wrong):
    • The temptation to eat cake was hard to resist.
  • Rushed (Verb | তাড়াহুড়ো করা | Moved with urgency or speed):
    • She rushed to the hospital when she heard the news.
  • Nervously (Adverb | নার্ভাসভাবে | In an anxious or uneasy way):
    • He spoke nervously during his first presentation.
  • Rang (Verb | বাজানো | Made a sound like a bell):
    • She rang the doorbell twice but got no response.
  • Frail (Adjective | দুর্বল | Weak and delicate):
    • The frail old man needed assistance to walk.
  • Stammered (Verb | তোতলানো | Spoke with difficulty, often repeating sounds):
    • He stammered while introducing himself to the audience.
  • Pension (Noun | পেনশন | A regular payment made after retirement):
    • His pension barely covered his monthly expenses.
  • Reward (Noun | পুরস্কার | A thing given in recognition of effort or achievement):
    • The police offered a reward for information about the missing child.
  • Politely (Adverb | ভদ্রভাবে | In a respectful or considerate manner):
    • She politely declined the invitation to dinner.
  • Declined (Verb | প্রত্যাখ্যান করা | Refused or rejected something):
    • He declined the offer as it didn’t match his expectations.
  • Spread (Verb | ছড়িয়ে পড়া | Extended or distributed over an area):
    • The news of their victory spread quickly through the town.
  • Priceless (Adjective | অমূল্য | Extremely valuable or precious):
    • Her priceless advice helped me make the right decision.
  • Lesson (Noun | পাঠ | A period of teaching or something learned from experience):
    • That mistake taught him a valuable lesson in patience.
  • Enriches (Verb | সমৃদ্ধ করা | Improves or enhances the quality of something):
    • Reading regularly enriches the mind and broadens perspectives.
  • Guiding (Verb | পথপ্রদর্শন করা | Leading or directing someone):
    • The teacher was guiding the students through the difficult problem.
  • Forward (Adverb | সামনে | Toward a place or time ahead):
    • She looked forward to the holidays with excitement.

Honesty Overcomes Temptation: Bangla Meaning

“সততা লোভকে পরাস্ত করে”

একদিন, পঞ্চম শ্রেণির একটি ছেলে স্কুলে যাচ্ছিল। হঠাৎ সে রাস্তার ওপর একটি টাকা ভর্তি ব্যাগ দেখতে পেল। কী করবে বুঝে উঠতে পারছিল না। কৌতূহলে সে ব্যাগটি তুলে নিল। ভেতরে সে দেখতে পেল ঝকঝকে টাকা, কয়েন এবং একটি নাম ও নম্বর লেখা ছোট্ট কার্ড। ছেলেটির হৃদস্পন্দন দ্রুত হয়ে উঠল। “এটি সবকিছু বদলে দিতে পারে,” সে ভাবল, মায়ের মুদি দোকানের জিনিস কেনার সংগ্রামের কথা মনে করে। তবে তখনই তার শিক্ষকের শেখানো কথা মনে পড়ল: “সততা হল যা তুমি কর, যখন কেউ তা দেখছে না।”

সে সেই কথার ওপর ভিত্তি করে কাজ করার সিদ্ধান্ত নিল। লোভকে উপেক্ষা করে, সে কার্ডে লেখা ঠিকানায় ছুটল। এটি একটি বড় বাড়ি ছিল। নার্ভাসভাবে সে কলিং বেল চাপল। দরজা খুলল এক বৃদ্ধ, দুর্বল মানুষ। ছেলেটি তোতলাতে তোতলাতে বলল, “আমি… আমি আপনার টাকা ভর্তি ব্যাগ পেয়েছি।” বৃদ্ধের চোখে জল এসে গেল। “তুমি আমাকে বাঁচালে, ছেলে। এটি ছিল আমার মাসিক পেনশনের টাকা।” তিনি ছেলেটিকে একটি পুরস্কার দিতে চাইলেন, কিন্তু ছেলেটি বিনয়ের সাথে তা প্রত্যাখ্যান করে বলল, “আমার পুরস্কার হল সঠিক কাজ করা।”

ছেলেটি স্কুলের দিকে হালকা মনে হাঁটল। তার কাজের কথা দ্রুত গ্রামে ছড়িয়ে পড়ল, এবং সে নায়ক হয়ে উঠল। সেদিন সে একটি অমূল্য শিক্ষা পেল: সততা শুধু পুরস্কৃতই করে না, এটি আত্মাকে সমৃদ্ধ করে। আর তাই, সে সেই আলোকে তার ভবিষ্যতের প্রতিটি পদক্ষেপে ধারণ করে রাখল।

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That’s all for today’s article. We hope you found our discussion on a completing story titled, Honesty Overcomes Temptation, insightful. If you enjoyed the article, please stay with bdjobzpreparation.com and share it with your friends. We’ll be back soon with another literary work. Stay tuned to bdjobzpreparation.com, and don’t forget to connect with us on Facebook and Instagram. Thank you for reading!

S.M. Rokibul Kabir
S.M. Rokibul Kabir

S.M. Rokibul Kabir is the author of BD JOBZ PREPARATION. He is from Rajshahi, Bangladesh. He has completed Honors and Masters degrees from Rajshahi University in English. Now he is doing LLB from National University. He has been teaching English online for more than three years. His hobby is blogging.

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