Honesty is the Sharpest Axe

Today, we will explore a completing story titled Honesty is the Sharpest Axe. First, we’ll present the incomplete story as a question for you to ponder. Then, we’ll provide the complete story as the answer. Below, you’ll find the story titled, Honesty is the Sharpest Axe, accompanied by key vocabulary with Bangla meanings and a Bangla translation. We hope this resource will support your HSC 2025 preparation. Let’s dive in!

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Honesty is the Sharpest Axe

Completing Story-Honesty is the Sharpest Axe

Question: Once, there lived a woodcutter. he was very poor but honest. he lived on the bank of a river near a jungle. He used to cut wood … [SB – 2023; SB – 2017]

“Honesty is the Sharpest Axe”

Answer: Once, there lived a woodcutter. He was very poor but honest. He lived on the bank of a river near a jungle. He used to cut wood and sell it in the nearby village to earn a living. One day, while chopping a tree near the riverbank, his axe slipped from his hands and fell into the water. The river was deep, and he didn’t know how to swim. Distraught, he sat on the bank, his livelihood seemingly lost.

Suddenly, a shimmering figure emerged from the water—it was a water spirit. “Why are you crying, good man?” she asked. The woodcutter explained his plight. Moved by his honesty, the spirit dived into the river and returned with a golden axe. “Is this yours?” she asked. The woodcutter shook his head. “No, that’s not mine.”

The spirit dived again, bringing a silver axe. “Is this one yours?” “No,” he replied honestly. Finally, the spirit retrieved his old, worn axe. “This is mine,” he said with relief. Impressed by his integrity, the spirit gifted him all three axes as a reward. Overwhelmed with gratitude, the woodcutter returned home. The golden axe brought him wealth, but he continued working humbly, sharing his blessings with others.

His honesty, like his axe, always remained sharp and unyielding.

Vocabulary with Bangla Meaning

  1. Woodcutter (noun)
    Bangla: কাঠুরে | English: A person who cuts wood.
    Example: The woodcutter worked hard to collect firewood every day.
  2. Jungle (noun)
    Bangla: জঙ্গল | English: A dense forest.
    Example: The woodcutter lived near a jungle filled with tall trees.
  3. Chopping (verb)
    Bangla: কাটা | English: Cutting something with repeated strokes.
    Example: He was chopping wood when his axe fell into the river.
  4. Riverbank (noun)
    Bangla: নদীর তীর | English: The land alongside a river.
    Example: The riverbank was covered with lush green grass.
  5. Axe (noun)
    Bangla: কুঠার | English: A tool for chopping wood.
    Example: He accidentally dropped his axe into the river.
  6. Distraught (adjective)
    Bangla: হতাশ | English: Deeply upset or worried.
    Example: He was distraught after losing his only axe.
  7. Livelihood (noun)
    Bangla: জীবিকা | English: A means of earning money to live.
    Example: The woodcutter’s livelihood depended on selling firewood.
  8. Seemingly (adverb)
    Bangla: আপাতদৃষ্টিতে | English: Appearing to be true but not necessarily so.
    Example: He was seemingly helpless without his axe.
  9. Shimmering (adjective)
    Bangla: ঝলমলে | English: Reflecting light in a sparkling way.
    Example: The shimmering water looked magical in the sunlight.
  10. Emerged (verb)
    Bangla: উঠে এলো | English: Came out from a hidden place.
    Example: A water spirit emerged from the river to help him.
  11. Plight (noun)
    Bangla: দুঃখজনক অবস্থা | English: A difficult or unfortunate situation.
    Example: The spirit asked him about his plight.
  12. Dived (verb)
    Bangla: ডুব দিল | English: Jumped into water headfirst.
    Example: The spirit dived into the river to retrieve the axe.
  13. Shook (verb)
    Bangla: মাথা নাড়ল | English: Moved something quickly back and forth.
    Example: The woodcutter shook his head to deny that the golden axe was his.
  14. Retrieved (verb)
    Bangla: পুনরুদ্ধার করল | English: Got something back.
    Example: The spirit retrieved his old axe from the river.
  15. Relief (noun)
    Bangla: স্বস্তি | English: A feeling of relaxation after stress.
    Example: He felt great relief when he got his axe back.
  16. Impressed (adjective)
    Bangla: মুগ্ধ | English: Feeling admiration or respect.
    Example: The spirit was impressed by his honesty.
  17. Integrity (noun)
    Bangla: সততা | English: The quality of being honest and morally upright.
    Example: His integrity earned him the spirit’s trust.
  18. Reward (noun)
    Bangla: পুরস্কার | English: Something given in recognition of effort or honesty.
    Example: The spirit gave him a golden axe as a reward.
  19. Overwhelmed (adjective)
    Bangla: অভিভূত | English: Strongly affected by an emotion.
    Example: He was overwhelmed with gratitude for the spirit’s generosity.
  20. Gratitude (noun)
    Bangla: কৃতজ্ঞতা | English: Thankfulness or appreciation.
    Example: He expressed his gratitude by sharing his blessings.
  21. Wealth (noun)
    Bangla: সম্পদ | English: An abundance of valuable possessions.
    Example: The golden axe brought him great wealth.
  22. Humbly (adverb)
    Bangla: বিনীতভাবে | English: In a modest or respectful manner.
    Example: Despite his wealth, he lived humbly and helped others.
  23. Blessings (noun)
    Bangla: আশীর্বাদ | English: Good fortune or favor.
    Example: He shared his blessings with his neighbors.
  24. Unyielding (adjective)
    Bangla: অবিচল | English: Not giving way to pressure; firm.
    Example: His unyielding honesty brought him lasting happiness.

Honesty is the Sharpest Axe: Bangla Meaning

“সততাই সবচেয়ে ধারালো কুঠার”

একবার এক কাঠুরে ছিল। সে খুবই দরিদ্র কিন্তু সৎ ছিল। সে একটি জঙ্গলের পাশে একটি নদীর তীরে বাস করত। সে কাঠ কেটে কাছাকাছি গ্রামের বাজারে বিক্রি করে জীবিকা নির্বাহ করত। একদিন, নদীর তীরে গাছ কাটার সময় তার কুঠার হাত ফসকে পানিতে পড়ে গেল। নদীটি ছিল গভীর, আর সে সাঁতার জানত না। হতাশ হয়ে সে নদীর তীরে বসে পড়ল, তার জীবিকা হারানোর চিন্তায় মুষড়ে পড়ল। হঠাৎ, পানির ভেতর থেকে এক ঝলমলে রূপালী অবয়ব উঠে এলো—এটি ছিল এক জলপরী। “তোমার কান্নার কারণ কী, ভালো মানুষ?” সে জিজ্ঞাসা করল।

কাঠুরে তার দুঃখের কথা খুলে বলল। তার সততায় মুগ্ধ হয়ে জলপরী পানিতে ডুব দিল এবং একটি সোনার কুঠার নিয়ে ফিরে এল। “এটি কি তোমার?” সে জিজ্ঞাসা করল। কাঠুরে মাথা নাড়ল। “না, এটি আমার নয়।” জলপরী আবার ডুব দিল এবং একটি রূপার কুঠার নিয়ে এল। “এটি কি তোমার?” “না,” কাঠুরে সৎভাবে বলল।

অবশেষে জলপরী তার পুরনো, ব্যবহৃত কুঠারটি তুলে আনল। “এটাই আমার,” কাঠুরে স্বস্তি নিয়ে বলল। তার সততায় মুগ্ধ হয়ে জলপরী তাকে তিনটি কুঠারই উপহার দিল। কৃতজ্ঞতায় অভিভূত হয়ে কাঠুরে বাড়ি ফিরে গেল। সোনার কুঠার তার জীবনে সচ্ছলতা নিয়ে এল, কিন্তু সে বিনয়ী জীবনযাপন করত এবং তার প্রাপ্ত আশীর্বাদ অন্যদের সাথে ভাগ করত।

তার সততা, ঠিক তার কুঠারের মতোই, সবসময় ধারালো এবং অবিচল ছিল।

Read More: Important Completing Story for HSC 2025 with Bangla Meaning

That’s all for today’s article. We hope you found our discussion on a completing story titled, Honesty is the Sharpest Axe, insightful. If you enjoyed the article, please stay with bdjobzpreparation.com and share it with your friends. We’ll be back soon with another literary work. Stay tuned to bdjobzpreparation.com, and don’t forget to connect with us on Facebook and Instagram. Thank you for reading!

S.M. Rokibul Kabir
S.M. Rokibul Kabir

S.M. Rokibul Kabir is the author of BD JOBZ PREPARATION. He is from Rajshahi, Bangladesh. He has completed Honors and Masters degrees from Rajshahi University in English. Now he is doing LLB from National University. He has been teaching English online for more than three years. His hobby is blogging.

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