The Weight of Words

Today, we will explore a completing story titled The Weight of Words. First, we’ll present the incomplete story as a question for you to ponder. Then, we’ll provide the complete story as the answer. Below, you’ll find the story titled, The Weight of Words, accompanied by key vocabulary with Bangla meanings and a Bangla translation. We hope this resource will support your HSC 2025 preparation. Let’s dive in!

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The Weight of Words

Completing Story-The Weight of Words

Question: Once upon a time, there lived a king in England. he had three daughters. One day, he made up his mind to divide his kingdom among them. So, he called them in the court and asked each of them how much they loved him … [JB – 2024]

The Weight of Words

Answer: Once upon a time, there lived a king in England. He had three daughters. One day, he made up his mind to divide his kingdom among them. So, he called them in the court and asked each of them how much they loved him.

The eldest, Eleanor, stepped forward first. “Father, I love you more than the sun and the stars. Without you, my world would be dark forever.” Her words were poetic, and the courtiers murmured their approval.

Next came the second daughter, Beatrice. She curtsied and said, “Father, I love you more than all the treasures in the world. To me, you are wealth beyond measure.” The courtiers clapped, and the king nodded, pleased.

Finally, it was Rosalind’s turn, the youngest and often the quietest. She looked her father in the eye and said, “Father, I love you as meat loves salt.”

A stunned silence fell over the court. The king, mistaking her simple but profound analogy for insolence, grew angry. “If that is the depth of your love, you shall have no share of my kingdom!”

Heartbroken, Rosalind left the castle. But years later, when the king tasted a feast prepared by her—a feast devoid of salt—he finally understood. In her quiet way, she had loved him the most.

He wept and begged her forgiveness, and they were reconciled.

Vocabulary with Bangla Meaning

  1. Divide (verb): [English: to separate into parts or groups, Bangla: ভাগ করা]
    Example: The teacher divided the class into two teams for the game.
  2. Kingdom (noun): [English: a country ruled by a king or queen, Bangla: রাজ্য]
    Example: The king ruled his kingdom with great wisdom and care.
  3. Court (noun): [English: the place where a king or queen meets their subjects, Bangla: রাজদরবার]
    Example: The princess presented her case in the royal court.
  4. Eldest (adjective): [English: the oldest among siblings, Bangla: সবচেয়ে বড়]
    Example: The eldest sister took responsibility for her younger siblings.
  5. Stepped forward (phrasal verb): [English: moved ahead or came forward, Bangla: সামনে এগিয়ে এল]
    Example: The soldier stepped forward to accept the medal.
  6. Forever (adverb): [English: for all time, Bangla: চিরকাল]
    Example: She promised to keep the secret forever.
  7. Murmured (verb): [English: spoke softly or indistinctly, Bangla: ফিসফিস করে বলা]
    Example: The audience murmured in agreement during the speech.
  8. Approval (noun): [English: the act of agreeing or accepting, Bangla: অনুমোদন]
    Example: The project received the manager’s approval before starting.
  9. Curtsied (verb): [English: bent the knees slightly as a sign of respect, Bangla: হাঁটু মুড়ে অভিবাদন জানানো]
    Example: The girl curtsied before the queen.
  10. Clapped (verb): [English: struck the hands together to show appreciation, Bangla: তালি দেওয়া]
    Example: The audience clapped loudly after the performance.
  11. Nodded (verb): [English: moved the head slightly to show agreement, Bangla: মাথা নেড়ে সম্মতি জানানো]
    Example: The teacher nodded in approval when the student answered correctly.
  12. Stunned (adjective): [English: shocked or surprised, Bangla: বিস্মিত]
    Example: She was stunned by the sudden announcement.
  13. Silence (noun): [English: the absence of sound, Bangla: নীরবতা]
    Example: A deep silence fell over the room after the bad news.
  14. Mistaking (verb): [English: perceiving something incorrectly, Bangla: ভুল বোঝা]
    Example: He apologized for mistaking her intentions.
  15. Profound (adjective): [English: deep and meaningful, Bangla: গভীর]
    Example: His speech left a profound impact on the audience.
  16. Analogy (noun): [English: a comparison to explain something, Bangla: উপমা]
    Example: The teacher used an analogy to simplify the complex topic.
  17. Insolence (noun): [English: rude or disrespectful behavior, Bangla: ঔদ্ধত্য]
    Example: The student was punished for his insolence towards the teacher.
  18. Angry (adjective): [English: feeling or showing anger, Bangla: রাগান্বিত]
    Example: He was angry when he found out about the mistake.
  19. Depth (noun): [English: the quality of being deep, Bangla: গভীরতা]
    Example: She couldn’t understand the depth of his feelings.
  20. Share (noun): [English: a portion of something, Bangla: অংশ]
    Example: Each sibling received an equal share of the inheritance.
  21. Heartbroken (adjective): [English: extremely sad, Bangla: হৃদয়বিদারক]
    Example: She was heartbroken after hearing the tragic news.
  22. Castle (noun): [English: a large fortified building, Bangla: দুর্গ]
    Example: The ancient castle stood atop the hill, overlooking the village.
  23. Feast (noun): [English: a large and lavish meal, Bangla: ভোজ]
    Example: The king arranged a grand feast for the guests.
  24. Prepared (verb): [English: made ready, Bangla: প্রস্তুত করা]
    Example: She prepared a delicious dinner for her family.
  25. Devoid of (adjective phrase): [English: lacking something, Bangla: অভাব]
    Example: The desert was devoid of vegetation.
  26. Understood (verb): [English: comprehended, Bangla: বোঝা]
    Example: He finally understood the meaning of the lesson.
  27. Quiet (adjective): [English: silent or calm, Bangla: নীরব]
    Example: The library was very quiet during the exam.
  28. Wept (verb): [English: cried, Bangla: কাঁদা]
    Example: She wept bitterly after hearing the sad news.
  29. Begged (verb): [English: asked earnestly or desperately, Bangla: ভিক্ষা চাওয়া বা অনুরোধ করা]
    Example: He begged for forgiveness after realizing his mistake.
  30. Forgiveness (noun): [English: the act of pardoning someone, Bangla: ক্ষমা]
    Example: She sought forgiveness from her friend after the argument.
  31. Reconciled (verb): [English: restored a friendly relationship, Bangla: মিল করা]
    Example: They reconciled after years of misunderstanding.

The Weight of Words: Bangla Meaning

একসময় ইংল্যান্ডে এক রাজা বাস করতেন। তার তিনটি কন্যা ছিল। একদিন তিনি মনস্থির করলেন যে, তার রাজ্যটি কন্যাদের মধ্যে ভাগ করে দেবেন। তাই তিনি তাদের দরবারে ডেকে পাঠালেন এবং প্রত্যেককে জিজ্ঞাসা করলেন, তারা তাকে কতটা ভালোবাসে।

প্রথমে বড় মেয়ে এলিয়ানর এগিয়ে এল। সে বলল, “বাবা, আমি তোমাকে সূর্য ও তারার চেয়েও বেশি ভালোবাসি। তোমাকে ছাড়া আমার পৃথিবী চির অন্ধকার হয়ে যাবে।” তার কথা ছিল খুবই কাব্যিক, আর উপস্থিত সভাসদরা তা শুনে সশব্দে সমর্থন করল।

এরপর দ্বিতীয় কন্যা বিয়াট্রিস এগিয়ে এল। সে মাথা নিচু করে বলল, “বাবা, আমি তোমাকে বিশ্বের সব ধন-সম্পদের চেয়েও বেশি ভালোবাসি। আমার কাছে তুমি অমূল্য সম্পদের মতো।” সভাসদরা করতালিতে ফেটে পড়ল, আর রাজাও সন্তুষ্ট হয়ে মাথা নেড়ে সম্মতি দিলেন।

সবশেষে ছোট মেয়ে রোজালিন্ড, যে সবসময় শান্ত এবং চুপচাপ থাকত, সামনে এল। সে বাবার চোখের দিকে তাকিয়ে বলল, “বাবা, আমি তোমাকে যতটা ভালোবাসি, মাংস ততটা লবণকে ভালোবাসে।”

দরবারে নিস্তব্ধতা নেমে এল। রাজা তার সরল কিন্তু গভীর উপমা বুঝতে না পেরে ক্ষুব্ধ হলেন। তিনি বললেন, “যদি এই হয় তোমার ভালোবাসার গভীরতা, তবে তোমাকে আমার রাজ্যের কোনো অংশ আমি দেব না।”

মর্মাহত হয়ে রোজালিন্ড রাজপ্রাসাদ ছেড়ে চলে গেল। কিন্তু অনেক বছর পরে, যখন রাজা তার রান্না করা একটি লবণহীন খাবার খেলেন, তখন তিনি সত্য উপলব্ধি করলেন। তার শান্ত কন্যাই তাকে সবচেয়ে বেশি ভালোবাসত।

রাজা কাঁদলেন এবং তার কাছে ক্ষমা চাইলেন। এরপর তারা আবার মিলিত হল।

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That’s all for today’s article. We hope you found our discussion on a completing story titled, The Weight of Words, insightful. If you enjoyed the article, please stay with and share it with your friends. We’ll be back soon with another literary work. Stay tuned to, and don’t forget to connect with us on Facebook and Instagram. Thank you for reading!

S.M. Rokibul Kabir
S.M. Rokibul Kabir

S.M. Rokibul Kabir is the author of BD JOBZ PREPARATION. He is from Rajshahi, Bangladesh. He has completed Honors and Masters degrees from Rajshahi University in English. Now he is doing LLB from National University. He has been teaching English online for more than three years. His hobby is blogging.

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